1. 14 Basic Philosophical Points I Want to Spread
I put together this “short list.” These are principles that I think are easily understood, while being valuable and deep in their implications.
-Reality is real.
-You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
-Contradictions do not exist.
-Your mind grasps reality, but reality has primacy.
-Wishing won’t make it so.
-We must choose based on reason—always.
-Reason reaches to all issues of choice.
-There really is a way to reason about what is right and wrong.
-To understand what a concept means, you need to know what it refers to in reality, what its definition is, and what other concepts it is built upon.
-To think is the main virtue.
-To focus is the main choice.
-Values are individual—they require a valuer.
-Your own life is the basis of value for you.
-You need faith in the Lord because of rational self-interest.
To me, these 14 points are all common sense. Yet we could all stand to think about them more. I know the last several points would be considered controversial among Christians today.
I love this list. If the majority of Christians affirmed it and had even a basic understanding of what it means and why it matters, the world would be a better place. The list summarizes the three fundamental branches of philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Ethics. It’s a starting point for a thousand great discussions.
Which one stands out to you? And why?