The United States has been exceptional as the country founded upon a moral idea: individual rights. The founding fathers recognized man’s rights as inalienable. Rights are discovered, not granted.
Tag: politics
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.9
Previously we looked at John Frame’s scriptural argument that government should offer protection from theft, not be an agent of redistribution. I agree with this vision of justice. Scripture doesn’t support the modern idea of “social justice.”
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.8
Here I’m going to summarize theologian John Frame’s views on Christianity and government. It’s helpful to recognize that a respected theologian shares the basics of the view I’m advocating and to see how he derives his view from Scripture. His discussion makes a good starting point to orient us to what Scripture says on the […]
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.7
What questions does the free-market view face? Here are the normal objections: • What will happen to the kids who can’t afford school? • What about all the poor and aged? How will they survive? • Isn’t your version of a society rather harsh to the needy? How can we let them suffer?
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.6
If the government’s only role is to define force and to stop it, then what about everything else the government does right now? In this series I’m explaining my view of a just government. To read from the beginning click here.