It’s a tall claim to say that the Bible supports laissez faire capitalism. Important (even conservative) Christian voices would reject the idea. But it’s the claim I’m making. Over the next several posts I’ll support it.
Tag: government
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.2
“It’s the government’s place to help people.” That is the common assumption behind most of modern American political thought. What does such a view mean in practice? The forcing of one person to work on behalf of another. And this, not for the sake of defending the country against an invader or a criminal, but […]
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.1
Whoever untied the Gordian Knot would be the king of Asia, said the prophecy. No one could untie the knot until Alexander the Great. He couldn’t find its end, so he came up with an “Alexandrian solution”—one slice from his sword and the knot was in pieces; thoroughly untied. An unsolvable problem sometimes goes away […]
Christianity and Government: An Interview with Joseph Knowles
This past week I interviewed Joseph Knowles. Joseph studied at Regent University School of Law. He is 32 and lives in Virginia. He and I found common ground in our understanding of Christianity and government.
“Religious Liberty” — A Different Take
Al Mohler recently published an article at the Southern Blog called “The moral revolution threatens religious liberty.” Mohler is a noted evangelical leader and the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He considers “religious liberty” important. His article comes only a week after a previous one at his blog, entitled “Religious Liberty vs. Erotic […]