What of “socialism” in the Bible? Many Christians (including professors, pastors, and leaders) reason that since God desires us to do good toward others, the government should step in to provide for those whose needs are not met. They call this the “safety net.” They consider it an aspect of caring for one’s neighbor. They […]
Tag: government
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.12
I’ve argued that the case for freedom is—and can only be—the case that freedom is moral. Then let’s go to our moral guide. Let’s go to Scripture.
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.11
If the United States was truly exceptional, what has happened to it? How did the U.S. fall from its place as the world’s beacon of freedom and individual rights? How did the nation of achievers and owners become the “entitlement state” of looters and moochers?
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.10
The United States has been exceptional as the country founded upon a moral idea: individual rights. The founding fathers recognized man’s rights as inalienable. Rights are discovered, not granted.
Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.9
Previously we looked at John Frame’s scriptural argument that government should offer protection from theft, not be an agent of redistribution. I agree with this vision of justice. Scripture doesn’t support the modern idea of “social justice.”