Something Evil from the Mouth of God?

Do you ever wonder about God and evil? The problem of evil?
How do we really know that God is good, and what does the Bible even mean, “God is good?”

Upstairs in a cozy corner of the church, my youth pastor put down his guitar and asked a question:

“What are you reading in the Bible? What’s hard to wrap your mind around?”

I thought I had a show-stopper:

The Most Powerful Question

Have you ever had an experience of “Why didn’t I think of that before?” You’re struggling to solve a problem and suddenly you stumble into the obvious answer. You say, “How did this not occur to me?”

Often, when you’re stuck and you can’t think of the right answer, it’s because you’ve skipped a step. You need to work first on asking the right kind of question.

Does Rational Self-Interest Mean “Faith for Hire”?

The first step of my philosophical journey was reading The Fountainhead. The novel taught me to uncompromisingly seek my own rational self-interest. If values are personal and selfish, then I must choose them myself. From my smallest choice of personal taste, to my choices in friends or career, I cannot depend on others to set my direction. For every choice I make, I must have a reason.