Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.7

What questions does the free-market view face?

Here are the normal objections:

•    What will happen to the kids who can’t afford school?
•    What about all the poor and aged? How will they survive?
•    Isn’t your version of a society rather harsh to the needy? How can we let them suffer?

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.5

How does a government reduce force in human life? There are two main ways: a legal system (the legislature and the law courts), and a defense system (the police and the military).

A proper government has only these two functions: to define what constitutes the initiation of force, and to stop those who initiate it, be they criminals or invaders.

Social Justice and Scripture: Untie the Knot Pt.4

Over the next several posts I’m going to answer: “What is my exact position on government?”

These posts focus on my conclusions. Later I’ll explain the reasons behind them, but right now I want you to see where I’m going.

In broadest terms, the government’s role is twofold:

To judge between people who claim wrong has been done and to marshal the people in times of war.