Don’t Grow Weary

When the disciples urged Jesus to eat something, he said, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about. My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work” (John 4:32-34). 

There are days I feel this way. I love my work and I lose myself in it, even skipping a meal without noticing. When you get into the flow, you truly can say, “I have other food.” I’ve experienced that.

But there are other days too; the kind when the vision isn’t there.

One of the top questions Christians ask is how to deal with the tedium of life. Does this sounds like you?

Righteous Judgment and Anger without Sin

At the release of the fourth video investigating Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted babies, we see a continuing pattern: whenever Planned Parenthood denies a claim, more evidence comes forward, giving the lie to their press agents. For those working to protect the lives of unborn children, Planned Parenthood’s public relations nightmare is good news.

The Center for Medical Progress has bravely continued to release their videos, even in spite of a spurious restraining order imposed upon them by the Los Angeles Superior Court. Meanwhile, NPR and other “news” organizations pretend to cover the issue in an objective way while framing the issue in terms of “abortion rights” and “fetal tissue.”

What Can Anyone Do?

Looking at the moral state of our society, I groan: “What can anyone do?”

Like the kings in the days of Israel and Judah, we have more wicked rulers than good ones. Even our good rulers never manage to remove the “high places” of child sacrifice, because the hearts of the people are wicked.

Our country’s greatest wickedness is its treatment of unborn children.

In the past two weeks it has come to light that Planned Parenthood sells the parts of aborted babies for around $300 a piece. The third video came out July 28th, with more to follow, apparently at weekly intervals for the next two months.

I’ve followed this story and worked to make it known. I’ve called others to do the same.

Make Abortion Illegal in Our Lifetime (In 15 Seconds You Can Make a Difference)

Today you have a rare opportunity. People are talking about abortion.

It becomes harder and harder to pretend that the baby inside the womb is merely a clump of cells as we learn that individual hearts, lungs, heads, arms, and legs are selling for $100 a piece. If you want to raise the consciousness of our society, here is a way to do it in 15 seconds:

Go to this link:

Then look at the article, and click LIKE and SHARE.

That’s all you need to do.

I bought a $60 boost on Facebook to push this message further. But if you do what I’m asking you can boost it even more, and it doesn’t cost you anything.

I’m putting my money where my mouth is. Will you help me? Let’s make sure the country knows the truth about Planned Parenthood. Let’s make abortion illegal in our lifetime.