In his guest post at The Gospel Coalition a couple days ago, Jason Helopoulos wrote on Evangelism, Reason, and Faith. I enjoy reading Helopoulos, so I was surprised to find him setting up the false dichotomy between reason and faith. His article revealed a mystical approach to what knowledge is and to why we have […]
Author: Cody Libolt
Knowledge in the Bible
I surveyed the Bible to find its position on the status of knowledge. Does the Bible say knowledge/certainty is impossible to the unbeliever? Actually, I found that sinners can know many things. What they can’t know is the deceit of their own heart. But they can know good and evil. In fact, it is for […]
Inductionism: A Philosophical System
In this blog I advocate the principle that “if we will live,” we must choose to value our own lives, our reason, and our faith. I seek to reproduce my philosophical convictions in other people. For the sake of clarity, I’ve created an outline of my system. This and future posts will expound my system. […]
42 Philosophical Blunders
This page gives my answers to 42 of my favorite bad ideas in philosophy, along with my own condensed answers. It functions as an outline of much of my philosophical project, especially focusing on epistemology. Many future posts will elaborate on the points found here. As you read the blunders, try quizzing yourself. If you […]
Survey Conclusion: “What Does Good Mean?”
Recently I pointed out that “doing good to others” cannot be the definition of good. Today I will ask: 1) What is the good for others? 2) Does an action need to be good for someone else in order to be good? First, what is the good for others? The two best candidates are “whatever […]