Have you ever had an experience of “Why didn’t I think of that before?” You’re struggling to solve a problem and suddenly you stumble into the obvious answer. You say, “How did this not occur to me?” Often, when you’re stuck and you can’t think of the right answer, it’s because you’ve skipped a step. […]
Author: Cody Libolt
Every Moment Worship
God has called us to be worshipers. He calls us to sing; but not only to sing. He calls us to lift our hearts to him in all aspects of life. Worship means much more than singing.
Christianity and Government: An Interview with Joseph Knowles
This past week I interviewed Joseph Knowles. Joseph studied at Regent University School of Law. He is 32 and lives in Virginia. He and I found common ground in our understanding of Christianity and government.
Does Rational Self-Interest Mean “Faith for Hire”?
The first step of my philosophical journey was reading The Fountainhead. The novel taught me to uncompromisingly seek my own rational self-interest. If values are personal and selfish, then I must choose them myself. From my smallest choice of personal taste, to my choices in friends or career, I cannot depend on others to set […]
Platform-Building Pt. 4: Ten Principles
I recently spent some time reflecting on my platform-building routine. I looked at what was going well and not so well. I found 10 helpful principles: